Small acts of solidarity can make a big difference

On February 24, 2022, Russia’s already eight years of war in Ukraine turned into a full-scale invasion.

Since then, Ukraine has been facing up to tremendous challenges. And it has proved to be stunningly resilient. The volunteer movement in Europe is providing huge support for Ukraine’s civilians and armed forces.

Among the symbols of the volunteers’ support are the handmade candles sent to soldiers in the Ukrainian trenches. They pass on human light and warmth. And they encourage the soldiers to hold on under difficult circumstances. They are also a symbol of solidarity among people in Ukraine and in the EU working tirelessly in the face of adversity.

This campaign is a candle that we are passing on from ordinary people in Ukraine to those in other countries and back to Ukraine. And we encourage everyone to keep passing it on. #ShareYourLight.

More than a year on, Europeans continue to #StandWithUkraine. There are no small deeds in this struggle!

  • Pass it on - use the #ShareYourLight hashtag on social media to spread the word.
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How to contribute?

Our goal is to spread the campaign far and wide, and this is where you come in. You can either share the videos on your social media channels, using the hashtags #ShareYourLight and #StandWithUkraine, or even become yourself part of the digital light chain by posting a photo or video of yourself passing any source of light to a colleague, family or a friend. Tag a friend, join the light chain, and help keep up the momentum of the enduring solidarity between EU and Ukraine in defending our common values and security. 

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