Statement on behalf of the European Union and its 27 Member States 165th session of the Council


Item 4: FAO’s Strategy for Private Sector Engagement 2021-2025

Madam/Mr Chair,

  1. I am honoured to speak on behalf of the European Union and its 27 Member States.
  2. In light of the 2030 Agenda and the wide set of global challenges before us, it is of utmost importance for FAO to have a strategy for private sector engagement which is more fit for purpose.
  3. We welcome the inclusive process undertaken by FAO to develop the new Strategy for Private Sector Engagement and appreciate the responsiveness of FAO Management to Members’ concerns and suggestions. We urge Management to continue applying this method of work.
  4. We appreciate the deliberations held with the private sector to ensure the mutual benefit of partnerships. We also welcome the wide definition of private sector entities, providing flexibility to seek partnerships where there is the most value added, and we also appreciate the special attention given to women and youth.
  5. The EU and its Member States agree with the vision and principles of engagement set out in the background document and in Information Note 2. We in particular appreciate the following reassurances and commitments received from FAO Management:a. There will be enough competence within the organization to handle partnerships in a professional, timely and highly qualitative manner;b. there will be full transparency, including on existing partnerships, and regular reporting, evaluation and follow-up - also on key performance indicators;c. if necessary, the implementation of the Strategy will be adjusted;d. all efforts will be made to avoid additional budgetary implications and the governing bodies will be consulted on the results on the cost-benefit analysis; ande. the Strategy will be fully aligned with the UN Global Compact and related documents, as referred to in UNGA Resolution 73/254 of 20 December 2018[1], to meet risks of engagement and adhere to a set of exclusion criteria which will be applied when considering partnerships. Furthermore, we would highlight the need for partnerships with the private sector to be fully in line with the UN values of integrity, neutrality and independence. In this regard, the 'Connect Portal' will be a useful instrument for ensuring transparency, We would welcome this portal becoming operational as soon as possible.
  6. When implementing the new Strategy, it is indeed very important to ensure continued close involvement of the FAO membership. Furthermore, the design and implementation of field projects with private sector involvement will require due consultation with local communities and representatives of beneficiary groups. In addition, where there are plans for interaction with companies that might present significant risks, we urge Management to be very cautious. In such cases, Management should present a thorough analysis to the relevant governing bodies.
  7. Furthermore, we fully support the proposal of the joint meeting that FAO should encourage private sector partners to consider adopting CFS policy instruments. Adopting CFS policy instruments should be included in the due diligence process. We would very much welcome regular updates on the number of partnerships where CFS policy instruments have been adopted.
  8. The EU and its Member States are looking forward to FAO’s review and impact assessments of current partnerships, as requested by the joint meeting, and any conclusions and proposed actions that this review might bring.
  9. Based on the roadmap and the reassurances and commitments provided by FAO Management in Information Note 2, the EU and its Member States are ready to endorse the new FAO Strategy for Private Sector Engagement 2021-2025, on the understanding that our comments will be duly taken into account and that Information Note 2 will be considered to be an integral part of the Strategy. We stand ready to continue a close dialogue with Management on its implementation and evaluation.

Thank you Madam/ Mr. Chair

[1] Towards Global partnerships : a principle-based approach to enhanced cooperation between the United Nations and all relevant partners