Statement by the Spokesperson on the occasion of the International Albinism Awareness Day, 13 June


Statement by the Spokesperson on the occasion of the International Albinism Awareness Day, 13 June

On the occasion of the International Albinism Awareness Day, we celebrate the courage and strength of persons with albinism, in countering the discrimination, stigmatisation and violence they face in many countries in the world.

Misconceptions of albinism persist, putting both adults and children at risk of abductions and killings. Since 2010, there have been around 700 reported cases of attacks and killings of persons with albinism in 28 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa - and these crimes are still taking place every day. The European Union continues to call for the effective investigation of crimes against people with albinism and for fair trials.

Persons with albinism are also being denied equal access to health care, social protection, education and employment in some countries, directly hindering their fundamental human right to participate and contribute in all aspects of life and society. This is why we strongly advocate for the implementation of laws that guarantee the protection of people with albinism and their full inclusion in social, economic and political life, and that prohibit, prevent and bring redress for the discriminations they suffer from.

As people with albinism are becoming more vocal about their rights and taking leading roles in their countries, we are inspired by their determination and achievements.

In our human rights and political dialogues with our partners, addressing the situation of people with albinism remains an important political priority. At international level, the European Union will pursue its support to the UN Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of Human Rights by Persons with Albinism, and to the effective implementation of the Regional Action Plan on Albinism in Africa 2017-2021, a continental response endorsed by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights. The financing of programmes to protect and promote the rights of persons with albinism, such as the National Initiative for Civic Education in Malawi or the Access to Social Services for Persons with Albinism programme in Nigeria, will be carried on, showing our commitment to concrete actions on the ground.

We stand together with people with albinism worldwide and will continue to fight for their fundamental human rights to be respected by all.