Venezuela: Speech by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell in the EP Plenary on the situation in the country

EEAS Press Team

Speech delivered by Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, on behalf of High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell 

Check against delivery! 

Thank you President, Honourable Members of the [European] Parliament, Minister, 

2024 is a decisive electoral year for Venezuela. It is the moment to put the interests of Venezuelans above everything else and to work towards credible and inclusive elections. The October 2023 political agreements signed in Barbados between the government and the opposition were a positive step in that direction, as was the liberation of a number of political prisoners in December.  

But, as you know, unfortunately, this has been overshadowed by recent developments. The political repression, with arrest warrants against members of the opposition, culminated last week with the Venezuelan Supreme Court of Justice confirming the ineligibility of two popular opposition leaders: María Corina Machado, who won the opposition’s presidential primary, and Henrique Capriles. These rulings prevent members of the opposition from exercising their core political rights and compromise the very essence of democratic participation, undermining democracy and the rule of law.  

The European Union has already publicly expressed its concern and has called for the full implementation of the Barbados Agreements and for the continuation of an inclusive dialogue process leading to credible, inclusive and transparent elections in Venezuela, in this year. 

Honourable Members,  

The people of Venezuela deserve an electoral process that reflects their aspirations and ensures their active participation. Democracy is not merely about casting votes; it is about fostering an environment where citizens can freely engage in civic matters, without fear of persecution. Governments should never be free to choose their electoral opponents, no more than they should be permitted to rig the outcome of elections. 

The European Union stands ready to support Venezuelan democracy in this crucial year, including through the deployment of an electoral observation mission for the 2024 presidential elections, if formally invited by the Venezuelan authorities. The final decision would depend on the evolution of the situation in the country and the electoral conditions, in particular, the participation of the opposition. 

If these elections do not take place in conditions where their results can be recognised by the Venezuelan people as well as the international community, it would mean that the political crisis that started in 2015 will continue to deteriorate. And neither the Venezuelan people nor their neighbours could bear this. 

As to the targeted restrictive measures in place until May 2024, as indicated by the Council, the EU will review these measures in light of developments on the ground and the implementation of the political agreements. 

The European Union will continue to support a democratic and peaceful solution that comes from Venezuelans themselves and puts an end to the complex crisis in the country. Venezuela must return to the democratic path, starting by holding credible, inclusive and transparent Presidential elections in 2024. 

Thank you. 

Link to the video (starting at 4:30):  


Closing remarks  

Thank you very much President, and thank you Members of the European Parliament, 

Thank you for your strong support to the Venezuelan people, to democracy, to the rule of law. 

Recent events in Venezuela clearly indicate the fragility of the agreements reached in Barbados. Therefore, we must continue to support the ongoing dialogue between the government and the opposition, in coordination with our international and regional partners. 

While the dialogue process faces numerous obstacles and persistent threats, it remains the only route capable of ensuring peace and stability in Venezuela, in the run-up to this year’s presidential elections. 

We recognise the overwhelming support achieved by Maria Corina Machado, as the main opposition representative for the 2024 presidential elections. 

The European Union continues to be very concerned about decisions that prevent members of the opposition from exercising their basic political rights, as has been the case with Maria Corina Machado and Henrique Capriles.  

These decisions undermine democracy and the rule of law, and only further deepen the protracted political and social crisis in Venezuela. 

Only a peaceful and democratic solution, led by Venezuelans themselves, will allow for the restoration of political stability, economic growth and social well-being for the millions of Venezuelans currently in need. The humanitarian crisis in Venezuela is of utmost concern and addressing the human rights situation in the country must be at the forefront of our collective efforts. 

The Venezuelans deserve free, fair and transparent presidential elections. 

Thank you for this debate. 

Link to the video: 

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53
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