The European Union Election Observation Mission’s long-term observers completed their first week in the field

The EU EOM long-term observers (LTOs) have completed their first week of observation in their respective regions.

The LTOs observed electoral campaign events, they met political candidates from different lists, representatives of non–governmental organisations (NGOs) and media outlets, Governors and Qaim Maqams, and other interlocutors related to the electoral process.

The 30 LTOs were deployed on 14 of April in teams of two to all the regions of Lebanon to observe the electoral process in the field. EU EOM methodology is based on long-term observation, also through the LTOs who started to observe in the field one month before election day: they are covering different elements including the preparations of elections, the logistics, the electoral campaign and the campaign finance, as well as media and social media. The long-term observers regularly send their reports to EU EOM core team analysts based in Beirut and their observations will be included in the reports the mission will present after election day.