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As of 1 September 2024, Ambassador Luigi Soreca is the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina with a four year mandate and the European Union Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina for an initial mandate of two years.
Ambassador Luigi SORECA has been appointed by the High-Representative-Vice President of the European Commission Josep Borrell in Spring 2022 as the EU Special Envoy for External Dimension of Migration, working at the European External Action Service in Brussels.
Between 2018 and 2022, Luigi Soreca has been the EU Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation to Albania. During his term in Tirana, the EU Council on 24 March 2020 took the historical decision to open accession negotiations with Albania and on 19 July 2022 the first Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) took place, opening a new chapter in the EU-Albania relations. He also coordinated the EU response on the ground to the tragic earthquake that hit Albania in November 2019.
Between 2014 and 2018, Mr Soreca was Director for Security in the European Commission, responsible for the fight against terrorism and radicalisation, organised crime, trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling, drug trafficking, corruption and cybercrime. During his mandate, he had the privilege to coordinate the preparation, adoption and implementation of the European Agenda on Security in 2015 and the EU policy response to the terrorist attacks in 2015-2017 in terms of new legislative and policy initiatives.
During the migration crisis in summer 2016, he was appointed as Special Commission Envoy to Italy for the launch of the relocation process of refugees and migrants and for the coordination of the work of the relevant Commission services, EU Agencies.
From 2007 to 2013 he was responsible for the international dimension of migration in DG HOME of the European Commission. From this position he had the privilege to coordinate the launch and the implementation of the Visa Liberalisation Dialogues with countries in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership. He also managed the implementation of the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM), including preparation, negotiation and implementation of Migration and Mobility Partnerships, including the successful conclusions of the Partnerships with Morocco and Tunisia.
Ambassador Soreca started his career in Italy in the Ministry of the Interior, with a focus on the fight against serious organised crime and joined the European Commission in 1998. He is married and he is lawyer by training, holding a degree in Law at L.U.I.S.S. University, Rome, Italy.