#Made in BiH: Amela Ganić Revives Traditional Cooking at “Šerpica”

Discover the delightful taste of traditional dishes at „Šerpica“, a charming new traditional food restaurant in Visoko, brought to life by the passionate entrepreneur Amela Ganić.

During her entrepreneurial journey, Amela initially envisioned naming her asčinica "Rose" in honor of her love for roses and the color red. However, with valuable input from her mentor and fellow participants during the training, she realized that "Rose" might not be the most suitable name for her venture. Determined to find the perfect name, she brainstormed various ideas, considering all the kitchen utensils, until the word "Sherpa" caught her attention. To add a touch of endearment, Amela playfully decided on "Šerpica," which resonated with her youthful spirit and passion for the business.

Revealing her lifelong love for cooking, Amela shares that it has always been a source of joy for her. Despite her desire to venture into entrepreneurship, she hesitated to take the leap until she stumbled upon an enticing opportunity. Amela applied to an invitation to participate in the Entrepreneurship Support Program, published by the Local Partnership for Employment in Visoko, under the EU4BusinessRecovery project. This discovery marked a turning point in her life, igniting her entrepreneurial spirit and encouraging her to pursue her dream of running her own culinary haven.

Grateful for the invaluable experience gained during the program, which adheres to the esteemed methodology of the International Labor Organization, Amela also made new friends with colleagues who have the same entrepreneurial spirit. With her business plan receiving positive evaluations, she swiftly proceeded with the registration process and availed herself of grants provided by the European Union to furnish the establishment and procure essential equipment.

Currently, Amela manages Šerpica single-handedly, but she has ambitious plans to expand her team in the near future. 

Reflecting on her daily experiences, she says, "Every working day in restaurant-asčinica is different, with diverse visitors from local residents to tourists from all corners of the world. Though we may encounter challenges and unexpected situations, at the end of the day, all difficulties fade away because I am doing what I love, and my motivation knows no bounds."

At Šerpica, guests are not only treated to delectable food #MadeinBiH, but they also relish the warm hospitality of a smiling hostess. The cozy ambiance sets the stage for engaging conversations, making it a memorable dining experience for everyone.

Šerpica is more than just a culinary destination; it's a testament to Amela Ganić's unwavering passion and her successful journey as an entrepreneur, proudly bearing the label #MadeinBiH.