Call for proposals: Human Right and Democracy (HR&D)


Publication reference: NDICI/INTPA/173370/DD/ACT/KH

Delegation of the European Union to Cambodia is seeking proposals (1) Protecting and empowering individuals to contribute to the full enjoyment of all human rights (2) Building resilient, inclusive and democratic societies to foster pluralist, participatory and representative democracy and protect the integrity of electoral process and (3) Safeguarding fundamental freedoms, including harnessing the opportunities and addressing challenges of digital and new technologies for the full exercise of all fundament freedoms. etc, in  Cambodia with financial assistance from the  Human Right and Democracy (HR&D) programme (2021) .

The full guidelines for applicants are available for consultation on the following internet site:!Qc4KbF

The deadline for submission of concept notes is 25 February 2022 at 11:00 (Brussels date and time).

An information session on this call for proposals will be held on 24 January 2022 at 14:00 hours (Phnom Penh time) at (place to be confirmed). Interested applicants to the information session are required to confirm their attendance to the functional mailbox at (link sends e-mail) by 14 January 2022 at the latest.

Type: Grants

Value: € 2,100,000.00

Deadline: 25/02/2022

Contract notice (link to TED):!Qc4KbF