The EU partners with OHCHR to promote and protect the civic space


The European Union signed a contract of EUR 1.5 million to support a project aimed at advancing human rights in Cambodia. Implemented by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the project will focus on strengthening key areas important to the promotion and protection of human rights and civic space in the country.

The funding underscores the EU’s commitment to human rights as its core values, and to support initiatives that promotes democracy, rule of law and fundamental freedoms.

The European Union supports OHCHR in Cambodia to uphold human rights and promote democratic values said the EU Ambassador to Cambodia H.E. Igor Driesmans. “Through collaboration with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to Cambodia, we aim to empower civil society, strengthen monitoring mechanisms, and promote meaningful engagement in policy-making processes, ultimately contributing to a more just, pluralistic and inclusive society”.

The Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Roueida El Hage stated the importance of the project in pursuing a ‘people centric’ approach particularly under Sustainable Development Goal 5 Gender Equality and 16 Peace Justice and Strong Institutions.

The project aims to achieve tangible outcomes in the following areas:

  1. Strengthening and Monitoring of Civil Space: The project will enhance mechanisms for monitoring and assessing challenges faced by citizens and organisations in terms of civic space in Cambodia. In partnership with civil society organisations, the project will contribute to identify opportunities for advocacy on emerging trends that impact on human rights and on spaces for freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly as preconditions for civil liberties.
  2. Strengthening the Capacity of Civil Society Actors: Recognising the critical role of civil society in advancing human rights, the project will focus on building the capacity of civil society actors to foster a better understanding of international human rights law and facilitate their interaction with international human rights mechanisms. Through targeted training, workshops and educational initiatives, civil society actors and organisations will be empowered to effectively advocate for human rights at the national and international level. Youth and youth organisations’ capabilities will be enhanced to ensure that young girls, youth from indigenous communities as well as environmental and social activists are better equipped to provide meaningful opportunities to engage and make positive contribution to their communities on development and peace.   
  3. Enhancing Participation in Policy and Law-making Initiatives: the project will work towards enhancing the participation of civil society actors in policy and law-making processes, ensuring their voices are heard and their perspectives are taken into account. By facilitating more effective collaboration among civil society organisations and fostering engagement with authorities and relevant duty bearers, the project aims to promote inclusive governance and contribute to the development of human rights-friendly policies and legislation in Cambodia.

The project represents a significant contribution to the ongoing efforts to advance human rights in Cambodia and underscores the EU’s continued support to civil society and democratic governance in the region.


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For further information, please contact EU Delegation to Cambodia, E-mail: