First High Level Dialogue on Climate and Environment between the EU and Chile – stepping up cooperation on environment and climate action policies


At the first High Level Dialogue on Climate and Environment, senior officials from the EU and Chile agreed to work together to tackle the pressing environment and climate challenges.  

This dialogue is the result of the commitment expressed by the President of the Republic of Chile Gabriel Boric and the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, and constitutes a concrete example of the deeper cooperation between the EU and Chile on a key issue of common priority, in line with the upcoming signing of the new Advanced Framework Agreement between the EU and Chile.

During the dialogue, both sides discussed joint priorities such as the path to just transition for climate action, the fight against biodiversity loss, forest conservation, deforestation, as well as cooperation on circular economy, plastics and water. In line with their international commitments, they agreed to continue promoting a transition towards low carbon, circular and clean economies where nature is protected and restored. Both sides reaffirmed their unwavering commitment to the Paris Agreement and to promote scaled-up action in this decade, so as to reduce global emissions to keep a limit of 1.5°C temperature rise within reach.

They also exchanged on their respective carbon pricing policies and on measures introduced to reduce CO2 and other greenhouse gases and reviewed their cooperation on forest wildfires and climate disaster preparedness.

Participants also discussed opportunities for closer cooperation on the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity in line with the Kunming – Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

Furthermore, they also exchanged regarding policies and best practices to make their economies more sustainable and less carbon-intensive and polluting, including by accelerating the transition to a circular economy and cooperating towards an ambitious global agreement to tackle plastics pollution.