Artoday’s Empower Her Art Forum - Ambassador Berger's opening remarks

Artodays Empower Her Art Forum

Cairo, 18 May 2024

Welcoming Remarks by

Ambassador Christian Berger,

Head of the EU Delegation to Egypt

Dear Minister El Gendi, dear Minister El Kabbagh, dear Mr Eraj Imomberdiev, Assistant Representative of UNHCR, dear Ms Susanne Mikhail, Regional Director of UN Women Arab States, and Dr. Ahmed Ghoneim, Head of Authority of National Museum of Egyptian Civilization; dear ambassadors, dear art lovers, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a pleasure to be here again and support women empowerment through arts.  My special thanks and congratulations to Shereen Badr for putting this great exhibition together the second year running! 

Here, at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, we are reminded of the diverse perspectives and cultures that enrich our world.

The EU enjoys a longstanding partnership with Egypt to support womens participation in all fields. EU-supported programmes aim to promote women voices, access to education, and decent work. Some other programmes support the core issues of women rights such as protection from gender-based violence.

EU partnerships in culture and arts, including through our joint actions with EU Member States, are for us priorities in which women are central.

Gender equality is a value we uphold and it is a cornerstone of our partnership with Egypt.

In the European Union, our commitment to culture is not just about preserving traditions or promoting the arts—it's about fostering unity and understanding across borders. Through cultural initiatives, we celebrate diversity, promote dialogue, and strengthen our collective identity.  At tonight’s event, let us reaffirm our dedication to cultural cooperation and the power of speaking with one voice.

The European Union and the UNHCR enjoy a deep and long partnership. Together, we are dedicated to breaking barriers and creating pathways for women to achieve their full potential. Our commitment to women participation extends beyond borders.  Again at this year’s Forum we welcome the strong presence of refugees from Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and artists from Palestine and beyond.

Art has a unique power to connect us all. Regardless of language or background, it speaks to our shared humanity. As we come together to celebrate the talents of women artists from 40 different countries, let's remember the importance of inclusivity and creativity in shaping a brighter future for all.

Thank you.