EU High Representative Josep Borrell attends G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting


G20: High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell travels to Indonesia to participate in the G20 Foreign Ministers’ meeting


On 7 and 8 July, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/ Vice-President of the European Commission (HRVP) Josep Borrell will travel to Bali to participate in the Foreign Minister’s meeting of the G20, held in the framework of Indonesia’s G20 Presidency under the theme ‘Recover Together, Recover Stronger’.

The meeting takes place at a time when the socioeconomic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are being exacerbated by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, sending shockwaves across the global economy. The meeting will focus on the need to uphold and reinvigorate multilateralism and address urgent energy and food security challenges.

The High Representative will use this opportunity to recall that current circumstances need more multilateralism and global solutions than ever. The EU stands by its partners to work for common solutions and tackle challenges together. On the margins of the meeting, High Representative Borrell will have a number of bilateral meetings with Foreign Ministers from different continents, to discuss regional and bilateral issues and the global impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine, in particular on food security.


See also:

HRVP Video Message ahead of G20 FMM

Article in The Jakarta Post "Discourse: Strengthening multilateralism, finding solutions at G20 FMM"

HRVP Blog “The hard effort to provide public goods and protect the global commons”

Photos of HRVP at G20 FMM Bali

Video of HRVP at G20 FMM Bali

Speech by HRVP at the G20 FMM session on 'Strengthening Multilateralism'

Speech by HRVP at the G20 FMM session on 'Addressing Food and Energy Security'

HRVP Blog "G20: Difficult Times for Multilateralism"


HRVP Josep Borrell with Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi