Senior EU official visits Jakarta to advance partnerships for the environment with Indonesia and ASEAN


European Commission's Director-General for the Environment Visits Jakarta to advance partnerships for the Environment with Indonesia and ASEAN and strengthen cooperation in the fight against deforestation


The Director-General for the Environment of the European Commission, Ms Florika Fink-Hooijer, visited Jakarta from 24 to 27 June 2023 to strengthen EU-Indonesia cooperation on environmental matters.

During her visit, the Director-General met with the Deputy Minister for Maritime and Natural Resources Ms Vivi Yulaswati  from the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), the Deputy Coordinating Minister of Maritime and Investment Affairs, Ms Nani Hendiarty and Deputy Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Ms Musdalifah. 

A key aim of the visit was to follow-up on the visit of the Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Mr Airlangga Hartarto to Brussels last month and the request to work closer on the implementation of the EU’s regulation on certain commodities linked to deforestation and forest degradation. The European Commission and the Indonesian authorities discussed the establishment of an Ad-Hoc Task Force to support the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation in a cooperative spirit to enhance dialogue on the deforestation-free supply chains traceability and transparency.

This bilateral effort, complements the existing EU’s multi-stakeholder deforestation platform. The Ad Hoc Task Force could examine the situation for all commodities in the scope of the new EU regulation and inter-alia focus on specific challenges and solutions, in particular related to smallholders’ inclusion and traceability, along with potential remedies and solutions as traceability schemes which could facilitate working with deforestation-free supply chains.

“I am delighted that the European Union and Indonesia are continuing the constructive dialogue and collaboration on environment. On many topics, such as biodiversity, water, circular economy, waste and plastic, we are on the same wave length. We are also engaging positively on the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation to increase trade in legal and deforestation-free commodities and to ensure that also the smallholders can be part of the sustainable supply chains,” said Director-General Fink-Hooijer.

Throughout the discussions, Director General Fink-Hooijer shared perspectives and progress on the EU’s policies and gained insights on how to join forces with Indonesia in key areas as the deployment of Circular Economy and engage in the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework agreed at COP15 last December. The Director General also announced the EU’s support to Indonesia’s leadership for the World Water Forum to be organised in Bali in May 2024.

In a session organised jointly with the ASEAN Secretariat and ASEAN member states, the two sides launched the ASEAN Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform with a view to foster cooperation and exchange best practices in Circular Economy in the region. The two sides also discussed opportunities for stepping up cooperation on wider environmental and energy cooperation in the framework of Team Europe.

The Director General also engaged with Indonesian environmental communities and participated in a beach clean-up on Pulau Rambut.

DG Fink-Hooijer at the ASEAN Secretariat

EU Beach Clean-Up

DG Fink-Hooijer at Beach Clean Up


DG Fink-Hooijer at Beach Clean Up