The European Union supports new project to empower civil society for energy-efficient housing in Kazakhstan

Today, the Almaty State College of Energy and Electronic Technologies hosted the launch of the project “ENABLE – Civil Society for a Sustainable and Efficient City”. The project received a grant of EUR 400,000 from the European Union (EU). The event was held in a hybrid format, the total number of participants was about 150 people.

The opening conference "Perspectives for sustainable development of large residential areas – planning, energy modernization and energy efficiency" was held to present the project’s goals, objectives, expected results and work plan for 2024. The participants learnt about the German experience in planning and modernisation of residential areas, built by industrial construction methods, taking into account the principles of sustainable construction. Possibilities for civil society participation in the development of sustainable housing, energy-saving modernisation of the housing stock were also discussed. The conference was followed by an exhibition from Germany on the prospects of large housing estates to stimulate the discussion on the future of housing estates in Kazakhstan.

Johannes Baur, Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation to Kazakhstan: "Ambitious energy efficiency targets are key to driving a green energy transition. In the EU, our target is to decrease EU final energy consumption by 11.7% by 2030. By using energy more efficiently, and thereby consuming less, Europeans can lower their energy bills, help protect the environment, mitigate climate change, improve their quality of life, reduce the EU's reliance on external suppliers of oil and gas and support the sustainable growth of the EU economy.  As more and more people move from rural areas to cities in Kazakhstan, it is important to develop the right policy and legislation with the involvement of civil society. Through this project we will be happy to share European best practices on energy-efficient refurbishment of multi-family buildings".

Daniyar Kirikbayev, Head of the Department of Municipal Infrastructure Development of Almaty city: "We are pleased to welcome our German partners and are ready to use their experience with further co-operation on improving the energy efficiency of the housing stock".

Ralf Protz, Expert of the Association "Competence Center for Large Residential Areas", Berlin, Germany: "Large residential areas offer good conditions for climate protection and energy saving due to their compact construction and possibility of significant savings through an efficient modernisation process at a reasonable cost. The success of modernisation depends on the involvement of the government and the municipalities in the process as well as the flat owners based on a forward-looking policy of support and sustainable development concepts. This leads to a significant increase of the housing quality and improves the living conditions of many people".


For additional information, please contact: Arkady Rubсov, Almaty City Association of HOAs, tel.: +7 (777) 39 81 59, e-mail:; or EU Delegation to Kazakhstan at