EU in Kosovo on the IDAHOT Day: All should enjoy equal rights, regardless of who they love

“We are all born equal, and we should enjoy equal rights and opportunities, regardless of who we love,” said EU Ambassador in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog during a meeting with the representatives of Kosovo’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community, social activists, and human rights defenders in Pristina today.

The meeting attended by representatives of the EU family in Kosovo, including ambassadors of the Netherlands and Sweden, Carin Lobbezoo and Karin Hernmarck Ahliny, and Head of Mission of the Luxembourg Embassy, Natacha Gomes, was organised to mark the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia - IDAHOT.

On this occasion, Ambassador Szunyog called on Kosovo institutions and international partners to step up efforts in ensuring that no LGBTI person suffers discrimination or abuse. 

“We will succeed in protecting the rights of the LGBTI in Kosovo only if we take coordinated and effective actions,” he said, reiterating the European Union’s standing commitment to human rights protection and praising local activists for bringing social justice to LGBTI and other marginalised communities.

It is regrettable that in Kosovo, as and many other parts of the world, LGBTI persons are still being persecuted, excluded from families, verbally or physically assaulted, and deprived of the same social and employment opportunities. This results in exclusion and potential poverty, a situation which only got worse during the COVID-19 health crisis.

To help government institutions and civil society organisations in Kosovo to counter discrimination, hate crimes against LGBTI persons, and all forms of gender-based violence, the EU supports their activities through IPA funding and the Instrument of Democracy and Human Rights.

“I hope that we will see a substantial dialogue between government institutions and civil society on combating discrimination against LGBTI persons, and that the Assembly of Kosovo will soon adopt the draft Civil Code which upholds their rights,” said Szunyog, adding that activists who defend the right to be oneself should receive full support.

As a sign of solidarity with the LGBTI community, tomorrow, on 17 May, the IDAHOT Day, a rainbow flag will be placed on the mast of the EU Office in Kosovo.