To mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOT), the EU in Kosovo, together with civil society organizations, organized the “Afternoon with Bubbles and Poetry” informal gathering at Bubble Pub in Pristina, which brought together representatives of civil society organizations, LGBTIQ+ activists, and diplomats. Its aim was to raise awareness of the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community in Kosovo, show the EU's support for the human rights of LGBTIQ+ persons, support human rights defenders, and advocate for equality, freedom, and justice for all through the powerful language of poetry. During this gathering, three Kosovo poets committed to the cause of LGBTIQ+ rights in Kosovo -Arber Selmani, Uresa Ahmeti, and Agnesa Qerimi- recited three wonderful poems, ensuring understanding in all three languages - Albanian, Serbian and English. The audience responded enthusiastically, offering applause and words of praise for their caprivating performances.


In her opening remarks, the Deputy Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Eva Palatova, noted that the EU is a global supporter of the human rights of LGBTIQ+ persons, adding: “However, the real heroes are you, the members of the LGBTIQ+ community, activists, and civil society engaged in defending their rights. The EU in Kosovo, as well as the EU Member States, have long partnered with you in advocating for anti-discrimination laws and policies that foster further equality, addressing impunity, violence, and stigma, and raising awareness, among other efforts, by participating in the Pride Parade and associated events.”

EU Member States

To mark IDAHOT, the EU in Kosovo also flew the rainbow flag and adorned its social media channels with the colors of the rainbow. Through social media messages, the EU in Kosovo highlighted its support for the first LGBTIQ+ radio show in Kosovo, “Lequ Zemër.” This radio program by Sekhmet Institute on Glam Radio helps increase visibility and respectful media representation of the LGBTIQ+ community.
