Team Europe welcomes the arrival of first vaccines in Uzbekistan delivered through COVAX


On March 17, the Republic of Uzbekistan has received 660,000 doses of the first vaccines against COVID-19 shipped via the COVAX Facility. The European Union and European Member States congratulated Uzbekistan on the arrival at the airport.

On March 17, the Republic of Uzbekistan has received 660,000 doses of the first vaccines against COVID-19 shipped via the COVAX Facility. The European Union and European Member States congratulated Uzbekistan on the arrival at the airport.

COVAX - is a worldwide solidarity program aiming at providing fair and equitable access to vaccines all over the world. These vaccines are free of charge. The European Union and European Member States are among the largest contributors of the programs, with 2.2 billion euros, representing up to one third of COVAX total budget.

The first 660,000 doses of vaccines that arrived today are the first large lot available in the country. They will enable launching the national vaccination campaign in the coming days. In total, the COVAX program will deliver 2.2 million doses to Uzbekistan, enough to vaccinate a quarter of the people in the priority list, including the health care workers and the elderly people at risk.

The first shipment is a cornerstone in the fight against the pandemic and a sign of solidarity in action with Uzbekistan from Team Europe.

Man and woman talking into a lectern

“Because no one will be safe until we are all safe, vaccination is critical to protect us all and to put an end to the Covid-19 pandemic. Uzbekistan can count on Team Europe’s support to build back better and build back right,” stated Ambassador of the European Union Charlotte Adriaen during the delivery ceremony.

European Union provided EUR 36 million to Uzbekistan to tackle COVID-19 crisis

In spring 2020, the EU has supported Uzbekistan with an emergency response to COVID-19 pandemic. The EU’s response addresses the humanitarian, health, social and economic consequences of the crisis. It addresses short-term emergency needs as well as the longer-term structural impacts on societies and economies, thus reducing the risk of destabilisation. It reinforces both governmental and non-governmental actions.

EU Global Action to fight COVID-19

The European Union is committed to ensure global and equitable access to vaccines, tests and treatment. The EU has invested billions not only into research of safe and effective vaccines, but also diagnostics, treatment, epidemiology, protective equipment, as well as modernisation of health systems. The EU was the main contributor behind the development of the BioNTech and Pfizer vaccine, the first vaccine cleared by the European Medicines Agency as effective and safe to use. 

Team Europe - the EU and its Member States with the European Investment Bank- has mobilised a global recovery package of €38.5 billion to help partners across the world address the immediate health emergency and humanitarian needs, strengthen health systems and support the economic recovery and social protection. The European Union and its Member States are among the lead contributors to COVAX, considered as the best vehicle for delivering on international vaccine solidarity.

Group of people attending a speech

To-date, Team Europe has announced over € 2.2 billion for the COVAX Facility to help secure 1.3 billion doses of vaccination for 92 low and middle-income countries, including Tajikistan, by the end of the year.

The COVAX Facility is a global initiative that works to secure fair and equitable access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines. Lead international organisations - Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), the Vaccine Alliance Gavi, and the World Health Organization (WHO) work in partnership with governments and manufacturers, as well as other partners like UNICEF or the World Bank, to ensure COVID-19 vaccines are available worldwide to both higher-income and lower-income countries.