Europe on a plate - Spain

Did you know that Spain has the largest vineyard area of all major vine-growing countries in the world, with around 961,000ha. This is 13% of the world's vineyards.

Today's recipe is for #Gazpacho, a famous and classic Spanish soup made from raw vegetables and served cold. The main difference of gazpacho from other soups is the addition of bread. The addition of the bread adds a more orange pink color and thicker texture to the soup. This recipe is short and simple, give it a try!

Ingredients for 4 people:

1 kg of ripe tomatoes, 2 small green capsicum, 2 garlic cloves 100 g of farmhouse bread, 4 tbsp of extra pure olive oil, 1 tbsp of sherry vinegar, water boiled, egg, bread and salt.


Soak the bread in water and then crush with the diced vegetables, oil, vinegar, salt and water according to how thick you want the soup to be. Nowadays we use a mixer, which has the advantage of producing a finer blend of vegetables.


Serve in four individual clay dishes. Usually accompanied by tomato, cucumber, green pepper, onion, bread and hard boiled egg, all finely diced. Everyone can serve themselves according to taste.