EP Plenary: EU response to the increasing crackdown on protests in Iran


Speech delivered by Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Várhelyi on behalf of High-Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell

Check against delivery! 

Madame President, Honourable Members of the European Parliament,  

I would like to thank you once again for your continued attention to the domestic situation in Iran.  

Mahsa Amini was abused and died in custody at the hands of the morality police. There is only one word to describe this tragic event: outrage.  

We have seen brave Iranian women and men take to the streets to express their dissent. Women have emerged as a major driver of a nationwide protest movement, calling for the full enjoyment of fundamental rights for all Iranians. 

Despite our repeated calls for restraint to the Iranian security forces, the use of disproportionate force against protesters continues. And there is still no clarity from Iran on the number of people who have been killed or arrested during the protests. This is unacceptable. 

Those responsible for the death of Mahsa Amini, and all perpetrators of violence in the ensuing peaceful demonstrations, must be held accountable.  

Recent calls by Iranian officials and lawmakers, to impose the death penalty on protesters are a cause of extreme concern. The death penalty is, in all cases, an unacceptable denial of human dignity and integrity. The European Union is a staunch supporter of its universal abolition. 

We are appalled by reports that some protesters have already received or will receive harsh sentences, including to death. The European Union will not remain silent: we will continue to react and raise our concerns on the human rights situation in Iran, including with the Iranian Government at all levels. 

This debate is a timely opportunity to recall the swift response of the European Union, and to reflect on the way forward.   

On 25 September, the High Representative Josep Borrell issued a strong Declaration on behalf of the 27 EU Member States. And, swiftly, at the Foreign Affairs Councils of October 17 and November 14, the Council added 40 individuals and 7 entities to the list of those subject to EU restrictive measures in the context of the Iran human rights sanctions regime 

We took good note of the European Parliament resolution of 6 October on the death of Mahsa Amini and the repression of women’s rights protesters in Iran. It testifies to the quick and crucial reaction of this house to any attempt to crack down on fundamental rights and freedoms. 

Let me reiterate that Iran’s retaliatory measures, including against Members of this Parliament, are unacceptable, as an attempt to sanction our democratic institutions and our core principles. Iran’s measures are purely politically motivated, and we reject them. High-Representative/Vice-President [Josep] Borrell has conveyed this message to his interlocutors in Iran, and his spokesperson reiterated it publicly. 

Honourable Members, the European Union welcomes the convening of a Special session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva to address the deteriorating human rights situation in Iran. 

Strengthening accountability for human rights violations across the world is at the core of the European Union external policy actions . 

Thank you very much. 

 Link to the video (starting from 00:35): https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-233556  

  Closing remarks  

Madame President, Honourable Members [of the European Parliament], 

Thank you again for this exchange about the situation in Iran. You can rest assured that the European Union and its Member States will continue to monitor the situation of the protests in Iran closely and we will continue to consider all available options, including further restrictive measures.  

At the same time, High-Representative/Vice-President [Josep] Borrell will continue to use every opportunity in his direct contacts with the Iranian authorities to reiterate the European Union’s strong opposition to the capital punishment in all times and under all circumstances and to urge them to guarantee the full range of fundamental rights for all their citizens, including the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. 

To Miss [Ana] Miranda [Member of the European Parliament], my colleagues just told me that we have not received yet your request but once we have it, of course we will immediately provide you with a reply. 

Fundamental rights must be respected in all circumstances.  

I want to thank you for your attention. 

Link to the video: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-233558  

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53
Gioia Franchellucci
Press Officer for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 229-68041