EU leaders agree to boost coordination against COVID-19


EU leaders met via video conference on 29 October 2020 and discussed the need to strengthen the collective effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. They focused on testing and tracing policies, and on vaccines.

"Our hospitals and health workers are again under pressure. That is why many leaders have announced lockdowns and restrictions. In such hard times, cohesion and solidarity matter more than ever. We call on all Europeans to take care of themselves and of each other," said Charles Michel, President of the European Council, at the press conference following the video conference.

Leaders also addressed the relations with Turkey, and made a joint statement on the terrorist attacks in France.

Testing, tracing and quarantine

Leaders agreed that testing and tracing are key to limiting the spread of the virus and will help better control the situation. They exchanged views on how to advance a common approach to the mutual recognition, deployment and use of rapid tests.

"This would reduce the negative impact on free movement and on the functioning of our single market, which we absolutely need to preserve," noted Charles Michel, President of the European Council.

Leaders will work on the basis of the Commission's recommendation on testing strategies presented on 28 October.

On tracing, EU leaders discussed the initiative on interoperability between apps put on the table by the Commission and work on a common Passenger Locator Form, which would also facilitate tracing. Heads of state or government also discussed the possibility of harmonising the duration of quarantines.


On vaccines, leaders stressed four main areas to develop cooperation:

  • fair distribution to member states
  • criteria to determine priority groups
  • logistical challenges and bottlenecks
  • communication on vaccines

Economic recovery

Leaders highlighted that implementing the recovery package without further delay is crucial and expressed hope that it will be possible in the very short term to decide on the implementation of the July 2020 package. "It is a very important measure to limit damage to our economies," said President Michel.

More information

Video conference of the members of the European Council, 29 October 2020