Our ocean starts with you!

We have all seen images or read the worrying reports: plastic rubbish is piling up in our oceans and littering our beaches. Animals get caught in ghost nets, and micro plastics enter our food chain. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Whilst the key to fighting marine litter is to stop it at the source - using less, recycling more - cleaning matters as well. Together, we can turn a drop in the ocean into a wave of change.

Every year in September, the EU organises an ocean-activism and awareness-raising campaign - #EUBeachCleanup - featuring events across the world. In 2019, over 40,000 volunteers were mobilised in nearly 80 countries. Across social media, the campaign has had huge impact, reaching millions with its positive message of change for sustainability. Partnering with the United Nations and the bluest of friends, the Smurfs, the EU strongly believes that we can all make a real difference for our blue planet, taking responsible action as individuals and collectively.

For the 2020 edition, we are calling for more localised engagement, as group actions may pose risks to public health. Under the headline “our ocean starts with you”, we invite you to take up our challenge: reduce your water consumption, shop for less packaging, sort your rubbish… You literally can “clean the beach from home”! Follow the hashtag #EUBeachCleanup or our social media accounts and stay tuned for the challenges!

Where possible, local #EUBeachCleanup events will be organised in September, applying all necessary safety precautions. You can check our calendar, to see what is happening near you. Or why not organise your own event? Keep us posted and have your event added to the official campaign calendar.

#EUBeachCleanup is part of the #EUGreenDeal.




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