EULEX donates equipment to Kosovo Police Forensics


EULEX recently handed vehicles and forensics equipment to the Kosovo Police Forensics Directorate in Pristina. The recent equipment donation is part of the Mission's wider support programme for partners in Kosovo which, last year, amounted to a worth of over €1million.

The handover included cameras, investigation kits and four vehicles, which will be crucial to the daily work of the Kosovo Police Forensic Directorate in investigating crime scenes.

Laura Ahmeti, the Forensics Directorate’s Chief of Photography, VideoAnalyses and IT forensics, expressed her gratitude to the EULEX Mission for its continuous support to the Kosovo Police: “ Today’s donation will indeed help us improve our work,” she said.“This equipment will assist us in investigating and documenting crime scenes, as well as further enhancing  our professional skills.She added: “The four vehicles we received will also help us be better able to perform field tasks and generally improve our daily activities.”Today’s donation is part of the Mission’s continued efforts to strengthen the capacities of the Kosovo Police’s Forensics Directorate. In August, the Mission also donated to a local fire station surplus material, including vehicles.



In 2018, EULEX donated equipment worth over €1 million to partners in Kosovo. Equipment donated included furniture, IT & communication equipment, office containers, vehicles. Amongst the beneficiaries were the Kosovo Committee for Victims of Sexual Violence, Kosovo Customs, Kosovo Border Police and the Mitrovica Basic Court.


Background: The EU Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) was established in 2008. The Mission assists the Kosovo authorities in strengthening the rule of law institutions by conducting monitoring of judicial and prosecutorial cases; supporting the Kosovo Correctional Service through monitoring, mentoring and advising; providing support to the technical implementation of the EU-facilitated dialogue; maintaining limited residual capability as second security responder; assisting the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office; and providing expert assistance to the Institute of Forensic Medicine, including in the area of missing persons.