Voices from the Western Balkans: staying true to facts in the age of disinformation

The world is awash with bad news and disinformation, but there is also good news and there are people who uphold journalistic standards, combat disinformation and protect human rights. They take different avenues, whether it be through the news room, the class room or the court room, but aim for the same destination – a better society for all. What they do in the Western Balkans benefits the whole of Europe, making it stronger, fairer, more prosperous and secure. They are Europeans in Action.

We wanted to hear from them on issues that matter to us all: constructive journalism, media literacy and our right to know and make good choices based on facts. Equipped with expertise and dedication to an important profession, they are perfectly placed to answer precisely those questions.

Discover our latest videos featuring Asia and Kateryna. Click on a video to hear their insights.


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