Global Europe Peace, Stability and Conflict Prevention - thematic programme 2021-2027
The 2021-2027 Global Europe thematic programme on Peace, Stability and Conflict Prevention (PS&CP) will focus its support on interventions that have a global or trans-regional impact and will serve a dual purpose: a) providing assistance to and build capacities for conflict prevention, peacebuilding and crisis preparedness; b) addressing global, trans-regional and emerging threats.
Peace, Stability and Conflict Prevention priorities:
1. Conflict prevention, peacebuilding and crisis preparedness, the multi-annual indicative programme identifies three priorities, namely:
- Analytical tools, methodologies, and mechanisms to better detect early signs of conflicts, monitor conflict and design appropriate responses;
- Conflict prevention and conflict resolution measures, including by facilitating and building capacity in confidence-building, mediation, dialogue and reconciliation processes;
- Peace processes and transitions of conflict-affected societies/ communities, including stabilisation and peacebuilding efforts.
This year’s Annual Action Programme (AAP) covers five themes linked to the three above priorities.
- To mirror priority 1, enhancing EU and Local Capabilities for Early Warning and Conflict Analysis is a strong theme, aimed at strengthening a sound understanding of conflict situations and drivers for effective conflict prevention and resolution, processes of peacebuilding, as well as prevention of mass atrocity crimes.
- Support to in-country civil society actors in conflict prevention, peace-building, crisis preparedness with actions around i) security and stabilisation; ii) women, youth, peace and security; iii) media and conflict; iv) culture and peace.
- Focus on tackling disinformation in conflict-affected contexts with support to initiatives to protect peace processes from disinformation and other harmful online content.
- Climate change and security is also a key priority theme of AAP 2021, with a specific focus on conflict sensitive community-based technological solutions for climate change.
- Finally, reinforcing the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund is another way to contribute to more concerted and coherent international efforts in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
Learning and evaluation is transversal and part of the annual programme as a way to nurture policy on conflict prevention and peacebuilding. All these measures aim at building and strengthening the capacities of the Union and its partners to prevent conflicts, build peace and address pre- and post-crisis needs. They will be implemented in close coordination with international, regional and sub-regional organisations, state and civil society actors.
2. Global, trans-regional and emerging threats, the multi-annual indicative programme identifies five priorities, namely:
- Counter-terrorism, including preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalisation;
- Mitigation of threats posed by intentional, accidental or naturally occurring release of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) materials or agents and related risks to installations or sites;
- Global and trans-regional aspects of organised crime;
- Trans-regional and global threats to critical infrastructure ;
- Global and trans-regional effects of climate change and related environmental factors having a potentially destabilising impact on peace and security.
This year’s Annual Action Programme for this second area of intervention covers six themes linked to the five above priorities:
- The Countering Terrorism actions will aim at disrupting terrorist networks and the activities of recruiters to terrorism and bringing terrorists to justice in full respect of human rights and the rule of law, and enhancing the resilience of vulnerable communities to violent extremism and terrorist recruitment;
- Actions under the Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense (CBRN) priority will address specific global and trans-regional threats to international security through continued support to EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Initiative and to the EU People-to-People Programme on strategic trade controls of dual-use goods, for instance;
- Specific actions will be implemented to contribute to the disruption of organised crime groups trafficking drugs and other illicit commodities, along main trafficking routes;
- Actions under protecting critical infrastructures will strengthen the protection of critical infrastructure namely related to cyber and maritime security;
- Support will be provided to fragile and crisis-affected regions, countries and communities to achieve resilience and sustain peace by addressing the climate and environmental risks that drive conflict and instability;
- The Expert Support Facility we will generally support the identification, formulation, evaluation and implementation of actions.