Mozambique: Statement by the Spokesperson on the results of the local elections

28.10.2023 EEAS Press Team

The European Union is closely following the aftermath of the municipal elections, which took place on 11 October.

The Mozambican society showed active commitment and participated at large.

The EU notes with concern reports of irregularities and trusts they will be adequately addressed to ensure a peaceful and satisfactory outcome of the electoral process, in full respect for the rule of law and democratic principles.

The EU deplores the death of two people during demonstrations on 27 October. It calls on all parts involved to act in a peaceful manner and on the authorities to ensure the safe exercise of the right of freedom of association and expression.

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53
Jennifer Sánchez Da Silva
Press Officer for International Partnerships/Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0) 229 58316