#OurVoiceOurFuture Emma Prins - education and youth participation in The Netherlands and in Moldova


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Join us in this conversation with Emma Prins, lecturer in European Studies at The Hague University of Applied Sciences. Emma shares her insights and experiences on these topics, focusing on the challenges and opportunities that young people are facing in two distinct cultural and educational contexts.

Emma Prins also discusses the courses she teaches, offering a glimpse into the academic side of European Studies. Her expertise in the European Union (EU) and its impact on the lives of European citizens, particularly the youth, provides a unique perspective on the evolving dynamics of Europe as a continent.

This podcast is part of the #OurVoiceOurFuture campaign initiated by the European External Action Service. The campaign aims to empower young people across Europe, allowing them to engage with pressing issues and shape the future. By amplifying their voices and promoting dialogue, the campaign seeks to foster a more inclusive and participatory young generation in the world.

Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of youth participation, education, and the EU's role in shaping the future of Europe. Emma Prins' insights are sure to inspire and inform, making this podcast a valuable resource for educators, students, and anyone interested in pursuing higher education in The Netherlands, youth engagement, and European affairs.

Send a powerful message to the world and invite your community to join the campaign! This is how you can become part of the campaign!

Educate yourself and others: Take the time to learn about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, its history, and its importance. Share this information with your peers and family members, and raise awareness about the need to protect human rights.

Speak up: Use your voice to advocate for human rights. Write letters to your elected officials, organize events, and use social media to spread awareness about human rights issues.

Get involved: Join organisations and campaigns that promote human rights. Volunteer your time or take part in activities that aim to protect and promote human rights.

Be an ally: Stand in solidarity with marginalised groups and support their struggles for equality and justice.