Republic of Korea: 5th Working Group on Energy, Environment and Climate takes place with European Union

30.01.2023 EEAS Press Team

Partners discussed enhanced cooperation on the net-zero transformation against the background of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The fifth meeting of the EU-Republic of Korea Working Group on Energy, Environment and Climate took place on 30 January in Brussels, providing for an in-depth exchange of views on respective policies. Also, for assessing the prospects for a further upgrading of bilateral cooperation in the areas covered by the Working Group, including through a potential EU-Republic of Korea Green Partnership.

The EU and the Republic of Korea updated on their latest policy developments, with the aim of deepening their cooperation on issues that will be critical to accelerate transition to net zero, biodiversity-friendly, circular and resource efficient economies by 2050. 

The discussions on energy focused on renewable energy; action on methane emissions; and energy efficiency and energy savings. These topics would be instrumental for our energy security, for our climate goals, and for keeping the energy costs manageable.

The session on environment took stock of the outcomes of the Biodiversity Conference of the Parties (COP 15). They stressed the importance and urgency of full implementation of the newly agreed Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. They also exchanged views on their respective initiatives on circular economy, with a focus on sustainable design product. In addition, they took stock of the First Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) on a Global Agreement on Plastics, and reiterated their commitment to strengthen coordination in key multilateral venues.

As regards the fight against climate change, the EU and the Republic of Korea stressed their strong intention to further deepen cooperation, with the EU presenting progress on the Fit for 55 package and the Republic of Korea informing about its future roadmap for 2050 net-zero and 2030 NDC goals. They highlighted the need to move forward and aim higher on the road to COP 28 in Dubai.

The EU delegation, which involved representatives of the European Commission Directorates-General for Climate Action, Energy and Environment, was led by the Deputy Managing Director Asia and Pacific of the European External Action Service Ms Paola Pampaloni and the Republic of Korea delegation was led by the Director-General for Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Scientific Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Yun Hyunsoo.

The next meeting of the EU-Republic of Korea Working Group on Energy, Environment and Climate Change will be held in 2024 in Seoul.


The Working Group was established in 2018 under the Framework Agreement between the EU and the Republic of Korea. It constitutes a forum for deepened dialogue on energy, environmental and climate change issues in view of the urgent need to take ambitious climate action, the clean energy transition, and a more circular economy.


Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53
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