Republic of Moldova: phone call between High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Oleg Țulea


On 4 May, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell, had a phone call with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, Oleg Țulea.

High Representative/Vice President Borrell and Foreign Minister Țulea discussed the coronavirus outbreak, recognising that this was a time for international solidarity and cooperation as the pandemic knows no borders. High Representative/Vice President Borrell highlighted that the EU stands by the Republic of Moldova in these challenging times to help the country combat the coronavirus crisis.

As part of the EU’s global response to the coronavirus pandemic, a support package for the six Eastern Partnership countries has been put in place totalling €80 million for immediate needs in the health sector and €883 million for socio-economic recovery. Out of this support, the Republic of Moldova will specifically benefit from €87 million of redirected bilateral funding. The European Commission has also adopted a proposal for a €3 billion macro-financial assistance package to ten enlargement and neighbourhood partners. As part of this proposal, the Republic of Moldova would be able to receive €100 million, to help the country to limit the economic fallout of the pandemic.

High Representative/Vice-President Borrell underlined the European Union’s longstanding commitment to improving the living standards of the Moldovan people. He stressed that the EU expects clear delivery from the Moldovan authorities of its reform commitments based on the Association Agreement, in particular as regards reforming the justice sector, fighting corruption and vested interests and ensuring the de-politicisation of State institutions. These reforms are crucial in order to deliver on the expectations of the Moldovan people. High Representative Borrell also recalled that the delivery of these expected reforms would enable the EU to take a decision swiftly on disbursement of the current macro-financial assistance programme. He also reiterated that the EU expects the Moldovan authorities to resolve the major 2014 banking fraud through convicting those responsible and recovering the stolen assets.

High Representative/Vice President Borrell and Foreign Minister Tulea also discussed deepening cooperation within the multilateral Eastern Partnership framework. They looked forward to the upcoming Eastern Partnership Summit, which will seek to confirm and endorse long term objectives for beyond 2020, drawing on the Joint Communication on the Eastern Partnership published on 18 March.

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53