Supporting the future of Syria and the region


The European Union will organise the Sixth Brussels Conference on “Supporting the future of Syria and the region” on 9 and 10 May 2022.  The Ministerial meeting on the 10 May will take place in person in Brussels, while the Day of Dialogue on 9 May will be held in a hybrid format to provide an opportunity for the broadest participation by civil society organisations in the region.

The overarching objective of the Brussels Conferences is to continue supporting the Syrian people in Syria and the region, and mobilise the international community in support of a comprehensive and credible political solution to the Syria conflict, in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

As with the five previous editions, Brussels VI will also address the most critical humanitarian and resilience issues affecting Syrians and communities hosting refugees from Syria, both inside the country and in the region, and will renew the international community’s political and financial support for Syria’s neighbours, particularly Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, as well as Egypt and Iraq. Brussels VI will be the main pledging event for Syria and the region in 2022.

The Conference will also provide an interactive platform for dialogue with civil society and NGOs active in Syria and the region.

On this page, you will find all the information and material related to the Brussels VI Conference on “Supporting the future of Syria and the region”.

All the sessions of the Conference will be livestreamed. Links are available in the programme section of  this webpage.

The streaming will start at 8.45AM CET on Monday 9 May 2022


The international community pledged close to €6.4 billion for 2022 and beyond during the sixth Brussels Conference on 'Supporting the future of Syria and the Region', organised by the European Union. The funding will help people in Syria and the neighbouring countries hosting Syrian refugees. Out of this amount, over €4.8 billion were pledged by the EU, with over €3.1 billion coming from the European Commission and €1.7 billion from the EU Member States. The EU and its Member States have remained the largest donors supporting people in Syria and the region since the beginning of the crisis in 2011, mobilising €27.4 billion overall.

You can find the fundraising annex with the pledges’ breakdown here.

For a full list of participants, see here.

Syria and the region: close to €6.4 billion mobilised during the 6th Brussels Conference

Syria conference - Concluding remarks

Syria conference - Statements and announcements of pledges

Programme (draft)

Meeting of Foreign Ministers

10 May 2022


You can follow the Meeting of Foreign Ministers here.
Download the list of participants
Download the meeting agenda

9:00 - 11:15


Opening Address by the Conference Chair: Mr. Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission

Opening addresses by countries hosting the largest numbers of Syrian refugees in the region

Restitution by Civil Society 

Keynote speaker:  Mr Geir Pedersen UN Special Envoy for Syria

Statements and announcements of pledges by participating delegations

11:15 - 11:30


11:30 - 12:15


12:00 - 13:30


13:30 - 15:30


Opening speech by the Chair: Mr. Oliver Várhelyi, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement

Keynote speakers: 
-    Mr Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees 
-    Mr Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator

Statements and announcements of pledges by participating delegations

15:30 - 17:15


Opening speech by the Chair: Mr. Michael Koehler, acting Director General, DG ECHO

Keynote speaker: Mr Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator

Statements and announcements of pledges by participating delegations

17:15 - 17:30


17:30 - 17:45


Final pledge announcement by Mr Oliver Várhelyi, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement



Day of Dialogue

9 May 2022

You can follow all the sessions of the Day of Dialogue here. English, French, Arabic and Turkish interpretation will be available. 


Registration and coffee


  1. Welcome remarks

Commissioner Janez LENARČIČ, Commissioner for Crisis Management (video message)

DG NEAR Maciej POPOWSKI, Director General ad interim

EEAS Helena KONIG, Deputy Secretary General

DG ECHO Andreas PAPACONSTANTINOU, Director for Neighbourhood and Middle East


  1. Feedback from country-led consultation with civil society in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan

Jordan: Ahmad AWAD, Founder and Director of the Phenix Center for Economic and Informatics Studies in Jordan

Lebanon: Elias SADKNI, Co-founder of House of Peace

Syria: Nada ASWAD, Member of the Women Advisory Board of the Office of the Special Envoy for Syria (WAB) and a facilitator in civil society virtual space of the EU


First panel session – Giving space to Syrian voices

The Syrian crisis is in its 11th year and has led to the displacement of more than 12 million Syrians. The needs of the Syrian people are since long passed the initial stage of short-term needs, and in the longer perspective, only the Syrians themselves know what they need and want for the future. Therefore, the voices of Syrian people inside Syria and abroad must be amplified and listened to, allowing them to advocate for their rights, needs and interests. In Syria and abroad, Syrians are already gathered in various forms of organisations. However, groups often lack capacity, resources or sufficient information to engage with decision-makers. Public authorities in host countries as well as donors also find obstacles to engage genuinely with representatives of Syrian people. In this context, the panel will address the need to strengthen the voices of Syrian people to articulate their interests and needs in view of the decreasing attention to the Syrian crisis, and recognising the shrinking space for the civil society in general and inside Syria in particular. It aims at identifying ways to strengthen the voices of Syrian people inside Syria, in neighbouring countries and in the EU, based on good examples of how Syrians have come together in various forms over the last ten years. The panel will be fed by input from civil society through an online survey that was launched end of March 2022. The event will also feature the results of recent quantitative and qualitative surveys and consultations with Syrian refugees in the region. Themes for discussion could include: What are the current mechanisms that are facilitating dialogue between Syrians and authorities? What are the needs, in terms of structuration and capacity-building, of Syrian CSOs, including to access aid coordination systems in the region? To what extent can donors support initiatives aiming at structuring Syrian voices at various level? What are the main obstacles for Syrians raising their voices and contributing to decision-making? How can we better integrate refugee voices, in particular women and girls, in planning of the response?

Chair: DG NEAR Maciej POPOWSKI, Director General ad interim

Moderator: Ms Karen COLEMAN


  • Gillian TRIGGS, UNHCR, Assistant Secretary-General and Assistant High Commissioner for Protection
  • Dr Hector HAJJAR, Minister of Social Affairs, Lebanon
  • Rola ROUKBI, Women Now for Development, Country Director Lebanon
  • Mohannad ALISSA, Member of the EU Regional Network for Alumni and Young Professionals
  • Wasim ALHAJ, Humanitarian and Social Justice Activist
  • Sawsan ABOU ZAINEDIN, Architect and Urban Development Planner, Co-coordinator of the Syria Resource Group (SRG)


  • Dr Maya ALRAHABI, Gender Activist
  • Tulin Haji MOHAMAD, Researcher and Director of Tulia Domna Research Center
  • Key note speech by chair
  • Presentation by panellists
  • Q&A
  • Wrap-up by rapporteur
  • Closing by chair


Coffee Break


Second panel – What Syrian Youth want! Political, social and economic empowerment of Syrian youth in Syria and in diaspora countries

To follow the theme of providing and holding space for voices from Syria and its people, the panel on political, social and economic empowerment of youth in Syria and in diaspora countries will intent to shine light on the challenges as well as hopes and dreams of the Syrian youth in both Syria and in diaspora countries, attempting to make their voices heard while supporting their aspirations for a better future. With 2022 announced as the European Year of Youth, and with a generation of young Syrians who have grown up, live or settled abroad, it is evident that the conversation with civil society and youth organisations needs to be increasingly addressing their vision for peace in Syria on top of the daily challenges they come to face at such young age. The Syrian youth is already engaged politically either as members of civil society organisations, student unions or representatives of various political bodies. Their needs and visions for peace in Syria has so far received little attention it deserves. For this reason, and in line with the European Year of the Youth and the priorities set for the implementation of the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda, the invited young Syrian panellists will debate the future of their country, while representing the voices of young people in Syria and in diaspora countries facing numerous challenges that are fundamental to their wellbeing and ability to participate in the debate on a daily basis, such as the lack of access to education or vocational training, rampant unemployment, social exclusion, discrimination or limited support of the state, among others. As such, the panel will be looking at the potential mechanisms for the participation of Syrian youth in the political process, building on the main relevant European youth goals and the key Youth, Peace and Security Agenda and UNSCR 2250 five key pillars.

Chair: EEAS Carl HALLERGARD, Deputy Managing Director MENA.DMD

Moderator: Karen COLEMAN


  • Ruba JARADAT, ILO, Regional Director for the Arab States
  • Dr Luay SHABANEH, UNFPA, Regional Director, Arab States region
  • Hindrin MUHAMAD, Youth activist in women's right and countering extremism (Virtually)
  • Himbervan KOSE, Member of CSSR (UN taskforce for Syrian civil society to negotiate peace for Syria)
  • Lujain HAMZEH, Founder of the Out of the Box initiative (Virtually)
  • Elena DIKOMITIS, Advocacy Manager for the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in Lebanon

Rapporteurs: Dana ABDEEN, Member of civil society support room

  • Key note speech by chair
  • Presentation by panellists
  • Q&A
  • Wrap-up by rapporteurs
  • Closing by chair


Lunch break


Third thematic panel session – Food assistance and Food security

12 million people are facing acute food insecurity, and 1.9 million people are at risk of sliding into food insecurity. The economic crisis continues to affect civilians across the country. With more than 60% of the population inside Syria relying on food assistance to cover their basic needs, and against the background of increased cost of basic commodities, inflation and currency depreciation, increasing price of bread, energy and water scarcity, heavy reliance on external exports, the panel will seek to bring to the fore the issue of food assistance and food security inside Syria and the wider region. The region relies heavily on wheat imports, making it particularly vulnerable to soaring wheat prices. The discussion will cut across various sectors and topics, including WASH, water crisis and scarcity, climate change adaptation, support to livelihoods, resilience and early recovery. The issue is particularly topical this year and of relevance to the wider MENA region, against a complex geo-political background directly impacting the situation on the ground and capacities to respond (UNSC Cross-Border Resolution, situation in Ukraine). Within that context, the panel will discuss means to ensure continuity of services and delivery to those most affected? How to ensure support to contingency planning for responders? How to mitigate external factors affecting food security in Syria and the region? How to build more resilient communities and ensure proper linkages between food assistance, livelihood support and early recovery?

Chair : Mr. Michael KOEHLER, DG ECHO acting Director General

Moderator: Karen COLEMAN


  • Stéphane ROMATET, Directeur du Centre de crise et de soutien, France
  • Corinne FLEISCHER, World Food Programme, Regional Director
  • Kieren BARNES, Mercy Corps, Syria Director
  • Adele KHODR, UNICEF, Regional Director
  • Erik van OMMERING, CARITAS Austria, Senior Programme Manager for the Middle East

Rapporteur: Alexandra SAIEH, Norwegian Refugee Council, Advocacy Advisor

  • Key note speech by chair
  • Presentation by panellists
  • Q&A
  • Wrap-up by rapporteur
  • Closing by chair

Dialogue with civil society

  • 11 years into the crisis, civil society inside Syria, in the region and beyond, continue to play a crucial role, both for the Syrian people and for the future of Syria. Civil society organisations and individual Syrians have shouldered a major part of the humanitarian, protection and resilience efforts throughout the crisis and are crucial stakeholders in the peace process for the future of Syria.
  • The European Union is working closely with civil society, committed to ensure that space is given to Syrian voices to allow Syrian women, men, children and youth to express their needs, priorities and aspirations.
  • The Brussels conferences are an important occasion for the Syrian civil society and building on the success in previous years, the European Union is dedicating a Day of Dialogue to ensuring that Syrian voices are heard. In addition to its continuous and regular dialogue with civil society and in preparation of the Conference, the European Union intensified its engagement with civil society, through various consultations at country level and online.

The Day of Dialogue

  • The Day of Dialogue is an essential feature of the Brussels Conferences. It provides an important platform for civil society representatives from Syria, the region and beyond to meet and exchange with Ministers, Principals and Decision-makers from Syria’s neighbouring countries, the donor community  and institutional stakeholders, such as the European Union and the United Nations as well as international organisations.
  • The Day of Dialogue will be held on 9 May 2022 as a hybrid event, providing the opportunity for participants to connect remotely.
  • The event will consist of three panel discussions focusing on key themes relevant to the Syrian crisis context and the international community’s response, namely “Giving space to Syrian voices”, “Youth” and “Food assistance and Food security”. The conclusions and recommendations from the dialogue will be conveyed to the high level segment of the conference on 10 May 2022.
  • The Day of Dialogue will be live-streamed and connection details will be provided here at a later stage.

Consultations at country level

Country-led consultations gave the civil societies inside Jordan, Lebanon and Syria the opportunity to exchange on and point out their key priorities. The local consultations allowed for dialogue and discussion on key issues and persisting challenges shaping the country pre-conference engagement. The consultations followed an interactive format fostering exchange and inviting more individual perspectives, including Syrian voices. The outcomes of these consultations will be presented during the Brussels VI Conference on 9 and 10 May. It will contribute to shape the international community's response to the Syrian crisis.

The virtual consultation – an online survey

The virtual consultation with civil society was organised through an online survey to collect views and opinions specifically on how to amplify Syrian voices and what resources and support is needed to strengthen civil society and enable Syrian participation. Over 1.900 responses were collected from individual Syrians and civil society organisation from both inside Syria, the neighbouring countries and the diaspora. The outcome of the survey will be conveyed at the Brussels VI Conference on 9 and 10 May 2022. It will contribute to shape the international community's response to the Syrian crisis.

For any questions related to the consultations or the Day of Dialogue with civil society, please contact

Side events

Numerous side events take place in the margins of the Brussels VI Conference, initiated and organised by civil society organisations, participating countries, the United Nations and international organisations.

DISCLAIMER: This compilation is based on information made available to the EU's Brussels VI Conference Team. It has been compiled for information purposes only and may not be comprehensive. The descriptions are based on open sources and communication received from event organisers. Views, thoughts and opinions expressed during these events reflect solely those of the speakers and do not constitute endorsement by the European Union.

Falak 2: Waves of Syrian Energies

Culture is one of the pillars of Syrian identity. As part of the Sixth Brussels Conference – ‘Supporting the future of Syria and the Region’ hosted by the EU, Lagrange Points organises Falak 2: Waves of Syrian Energies.

This cultural programme seeks to shed light on varied aspects of Syrian culture and heritage from different Syrian communities, in Syria as well as in the diaspora.

You can find the programme here.

Film "Little Palestine" - 10th of May in Cinema Vendome in Brussels

Little Palestine film

As the war in Ukraine mobilizes international attention, the suffering of the Syrian should not be forgotten.  On the day of the Brussels VI Conference of Syria, that will be hold on 10th of May in the Europa building in Brussels, the EEAS is happy to invite you to the screening of this movie “Lilttle Palestine – diary of a siege”.

Along with the Syrians who are suffering since 11 Years, this is the story of the tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees who had been living since 1948 in the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus, which the regime of Bashar al-Assad besieged for 2 years (between 2013 and 2015) and of which several hundred inhabitants died of starvation.

The movie "Little Palestine-Diary of a siege"  will be screened on 10 May, at Cinema Vendôme in Brussels on the evening of the Syria VI Conference on Syria and will be followed by a debate, with the filmmaker, a young man from the camp, Abdallah El Khatib.

Here the trailer of the movie:

Watch the panel that took place after the movie projection here.

Practical information:

  • Cinema Vendôme 18 Chaussée de Wavre, at 7pm on 10 May
  • 30- minutes panel at 8.45, after the movie
  • 4 panellists (film maker, Abdallah Al Khatib; film producer Ali Atassi; EEAS representative, Fernando Gentilini  and UNRWA representative, Matthias Burchardt)
  • Simone Susskind will be the moderator

Entrance is free but with registration :

Press material


Pictures and videos from the Conference will be available here.



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