Program to Promote Regional Maritime Security (MASE)


MASE Programme promote Maritime Security in the Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Region thus it's location is Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region. The programme is one of the10th European Development Fund. The contribution of the European Union is 37,499,260.00 EUR and the duration of the project will take five years. it's started from 2012 and will end in 2018.


The overall objective of the programme is to enhance maritime security in the ESA-IO region hence contribute to global security and create a favourable environment for the economic development of the ESA-IO region and beyond.

The Specific objective of the programme is to strengthen the capacity of the ESA-IO region in the implementation of the Regional Strategy and Action Plan against Piracy and for Maritime Security. The Programme has five results to be achieved in four different locations:

  1. Alternative livelihoods through vocational development initiatives and advocacy against piracy are supported; maritime coordination mechanisms are reinforced in Somalia (IGAD).
  2. National and regional capacities in legal matters, legislation and infrastructure for the arrest, transfer, detention and trial of pirates are developed and / or strengthened (EAC).
  3. The regional capacity to break the financial networks of pirates and their sponsors and to decrease structural and sustainable economic impact of piracy are reinforced (COMESA).
  4. National and regional capacities for sea action are improved (IOC).
  5. Regional coordination and exchange of information are improved (IOC).

EU Delegation in Djibouti and IGAD are responsable for results n°1. 


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