Ambassador Berger's opening remarks at Europe Day 2024 celebration in Alexandria, Egypt

Europe Day 2024


14 May 2024

Dear Deputy Governor, Ambassadors, Consuls-General, Consuls,

Ladies & gentlemen, dear friends of the European Union,

It is a great pleasure to celebrate Europe Day again in Alexandria, a city deeply rooted in Egypt and always open to Europe.  My special thanks to the Greek Community Centre for hosting and to the Belgian embassy for very generously supporting this evening.  Thank you Andreas, ευχαριστούμε πάρα πολύ, thank you Francois - un grand merci!

Since last year’s Europe Day the world has changed, certainly for both of us, the EU and Egypt.  The ideas of Robert Schuman which he proclaimed on 9 May 1950, five years after WWII had ended, ring very true and timely:  World peace cannot be safeguarded without creative efforts proportionate to the dangers which threaten it.  The Russian war on Ukraine, the wars in Sudan and Gaza, failing multilateralism, polarisation, disrespect for international law have proven to us that we need to cooperate closely with our friends and partners, like Egypt.   

Robert Schuman predicted that Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements through a de facto solidarity.  Solidarity we also must show with our partners and friends around the world.  We are and remain the first source of official development aid and humanitarian aid; we provide 30% of global climate finance; on debt relief we have been on the progressive wing inside the G20 and with the Global Gateway we are making concrete our commitment to work jointly on high-quality investments and connectivity. 

The past twelve months have seen a strong  Egypt - EU relationship cumulating in the signature of our Comprehensive and Strategic Partnership which will guide our relationship and will allow us to deepen our engagement in six areas, including political, economic, trade, investment and water related issues.  One chapter is very important: human develoment with all of its aspects of education, scientific exchanges, technology, vocational training and skill enhancement. 

Allow me to thank the European Team, including the consulates and cultural institutes, here in Alexandria, for the work they have been doing in challenging times.

Thank you!  And now, let us enjoy ourselves, celebrate Europe Day and spend this beautiful evening together.

Happy Europe Day to all of us!