
The European External Action Service is taking further steps towards building a stronger common European diplomatic culture and foreign policy.

After successfully completing the first year programme, the EEAS launched the second phase of the pilot project to establish a fully-fledged European Diplomatic Academy:

  • 50 junior diplomats from EU Member States and the EU institutions are trained on EU foreign and security policies.
  • The programme run by the College of Europe - first in Natolin and then in Bruges – takes place over the academic year 2023/24.
  • The second phase of the pilot project is funded with a budget of close to 1€ million, under the general budget of the EU.

The programme focuses on 9 thematic areas and uses group work, simulation games/role plays, case studies, written and oral presentations, classroom discussions and debates, fire-side chats, individual exercises and e-learning. About 80% of the training modules are conducted by practitioners, and the remaining 20% by scholars.

Participants are trained on policies, procedures and diplomatic practices in the field of EU external action, with the objective of acquiring the necessary skills and competencies to effectively promote and defend the EU’s values and interests in the world.

Read the factsheet and find out more

Presentation of the European Diplomatic Academy

  • Image
    EDA 1st Day


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