EU provides € 300,000 to support flood victims in the DPRK


EU provides € 300 000 to support aid delivery to flood victims in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea


Bangkok, 20th December 2016 – The European Commission is allocating € 300 000 in humanitarian aid funding to ensure the continued distribution of life-saving relief items to families affected by the recent large-scale flooding in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).


This contribution from the European Commission is an expression of solidarity from the European people to common citizens of the DPRK”, said Pedro-Luis Rojo Garcia, Head of the Regional Office of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) for East, South East Asia and the Pacific region. “With severe winter already setting in, it is of paramount importance to ensure that affected families will continue to receive much-needed supplies to help them survive through the difficult days ahead.”


In late August, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea suffered one of its worst floods in more than 70 years when Typhoon Lionrock brought torrential downpours that swept across large parts of the country for days. The flooding damaged more than 35 500 houses, more than two-thirds of which were completely destroyed, whilst some 16 000 hectares of arable land was inundated. According to reports, as many 600 000 people have been affected, including 70 000 who have lost their homes. The worst hit province is North Hamgyong, near the Chinese border. Although floodwaters have now receded, humanitarian needs, particularly for basic relief supplies, remain immense.


The EU-funded assistance will enable the replenishment of stocks of emergency non-food relief items that have already been distributed by the Finnish Red Cross (FRC) to affected families in the immediate aftermath of the floods. These include essential household items, such as shelter tool kits, family tents, quilts, hygiene kits and jerry cans, which are stored in FRC’s regional warehouses.


The EU funding is being made available via the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) through its Small Scale Response mechanism.




In late August, Typhoon Lionrock resulted in three days of heavy rainfall in North Hamgyong province, causing Tumen River and its tributaries to overflow, thereby inundating large swathes of land, particularly those along the border with China. The flooding reportedly killed more than 130 people and left tens of thousands displaced. The already-dire situation has been aggravated as winter has gripped the country since late October, causing temperatures in some areas fall below zero degrees.

ECHO’s Small Scale Response fund is a global mechanism which allows for rapid funding for up to € 300 000 for humanitarian aid in countries affected by natural and man-made disasters.


Pierre Prakash, Regional Information Officer for Asia and the Pacific, European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO):

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