About the Schuman Forum

In today’s interconnected world, mutually beneficial peace, security and defence partnerships are more needed than ever. The second edition of the Schuman Security and Defence Forum (Schuman Forum) will take place in Brussels on 28-29 May 2024. It will bring together senior decision-makers from more than 60 partner countries, EU Member States, high-level representatives of the European Union (EU), international and regional organisations, as well as leading think-tanks and academia.

The Forum will aim at shedding light on how ongoing and potential peace, security and defence partnerships can respond to the most pressing security threats and challenges and contribute to global peace and security as well as uphold the international rules-based order and multilateralism.

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No country, acting alone, can address challenges such as the weakening of multilateralism, the return of power politics across the world, the renewed assertiveness of authoritarian regimes, and the mix of conventional and hybrid threats that we are facing.

Josep Borrell, High Representative/Vice-President of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy


"The security threats that we are facing are indivisible".

The world of today is ever more dangerous. The international rules-based order and multilateralism are under pressure. Competing visions and agendas on the global order are on the rise. Both state and non-state actors can pose threats to our security, through conventional as well as hybrid means of warfare.

In our interconnected world, geographical silos do not exist anymore. Threats to international security are indivisible, and the EU and its partners face numerous challenges within a single security theatre. What emerges locally, quickly becomes global, with more far-reaching and complex consequences than ever before.

In addressing common security challenges, mutually beneficial peace, security and defence partnerships are essential. Listening to its partners is key for the EU to foster such partnerships.

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    Schuman Forum 2023

    More than 400 high-level participants from 50 countries and international organisations, along with 27 EU Member States, gathered to discuss peace, security and defence matters of common interest for the first edition of the Schuman Forum in 2023. 


"Stating your views, your needs, your expectations, your concerns. This is the purpose of the Schuman Forum".

The Schuman Forum aims at facilitating high-level dialogue on international peace, security and defence issues between the EU, its Member States and partners. The Schuman Forum brings together politicians, senior decision-makers, military representatives from EU Member States and partner countries, and representatives from international and regional organisations with which the EU cooperates on peace, security and defence. Representatives from leading think-tanks and academia are also invited. 

View list of confirmed participants from partner countries, EU Member States, and international/regional organisations


Think Tank Side-Event 

On 28 May, a closed-door meeting will be held with the participation of peace, security and defence policy experts from think tanks and academia from around the world. The primary purpose of this meeting will be to provide experts with an opportunity to preview the key issues that will be on the agenda of the main event of the Forum. It will be a chance for sharing ideas and concrete proposals on how to best strengthen and further develop cooperation in the field of peace, security and defence between the EU, its Member States, and partners.

View programme of the think tank event

View list of confirmed participants from think tanks/academia


29 May 2024

9:00 - 9:15 Keynote Speech (Livestreamed) 

Josep Borrell Fontelles
High Representative for the Union's Foreign and Security Policy / Vice President of the European Commission

9:15 – 9:20 Welcome words by the European Parliament (Livestreamed)

European Parliament Representative 

9:20 – 10:50 Plenary session

High-level panel: One theatre - partnerships in a security continuum

11:20 – 12:50 Breakout Roundtables

Roundtable 1: Hybrid and cyber threats - The weaponization of everything

Roundtable 2: Human Security explored - Integrating the Women & Youth Peace and Security Agendas

14:20 – 15:45 Breakout Roundtables

Roundtable 3: Critical infrastructures - How to maximise resilience?

Roundtable 4: Maritime security - Making the sea a safer strategic domain

Roundtable 5: Counterterrorism - A holistic approach

16:00 – 17:15 Plenary

High-Level Panel: Sustainable Peace Architectures – Multilateralism & Partnerships

17:15 Concluding remarks (Livestreamed)

Josep Borrell Fontelles 
High Representative for the Union's Foreign and Security Policy / Vice President of the European Commission

View full programme

Final list of Schuman Forum and Think Tank event participants

Biographies of Schuman Forum speakers

Road to Schuman Forum

In the run up to the Schuman Forum in May, a series of preparatory events named ‘Road to Schuman Forum 2024’ will be held in Canada, Chile, India, Jordan, Moldova and Nigeria.

Organised by the EU Delegations, they gather high-level representatives from the country, members of the diplomatic community and local leading think-tanks/academia in the field of peace, security and defence. The ‘Road to Schuman Forum’ events will allow for more regionally-focused exchanges on peace, security and defence matters among the participants, that will inform the discussions during the main event.

Road to Schuman event holds in Abuja

Road to Schuman event in India: Dialogue on Enhancing EU India Defence and Security Cooperation, including in the Indo-Pacific region

Canada: Setting the stage for the 2024 Schuman Security and Defence Forum

Road to Schuman event in Moldova: paving the path towards a stronger, resilient and more secure Moldova

Road to Schuman, Jordan: A Strategic Dialogue on Defence, Maritime Security, and Transnational Crime

The Road to the 2024 Schuman Security and Defense Forum starts in Chile, with an event on key challenges to Latin America security

Schuman Forum News

2023 Schuman Forum

The first edition of the Schuman Security and Defence Forum took place on 20 - 21 March 2023.

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    Around 5,000 EU military and civilian staff are currently deployed in 9 military and 13 civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions and operations.

EU Peace, Security and Defence

"To partner is deeply rooted in the DNA of the European Union. Because we, ourselves, the European Union is based on cooperation among partners".

The EU is committed to international peace and security and upholding the rules-based international order and multilateralism as defined by the UN Charter. The EU’s contribution to global peace and security is based on a comprehensive toolbox that encompasses a wide range of means: from diplomatic efforts, development support, mediation and conflict prevention to nuclear non-proliferation, arms export controls or maritime security. It is supported by the work of almost 5,000 EU military and civilian staff who are currently deployed in 9 military and 13 civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions and operations in three continents.

Dialogue and engagement with its partners is at the heart of how the EU sees its international role. Deepening security and defence partnerships is a core element of the EU’s Strategic Compass, which outlines the EU’s common strategic vision and concrete steps to strengthen its position as a capable, effective and responsible actor in security and defence; to protect the security and prosperity of its citizens and to contribute more effectively to international peace and stability.

In the Compass, the EU also committed to develop a Security and Defence Forum ("The Schuman Forum") to work more closely and effectively with partners to address common security and defence challenges.


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