Let’s celebrate Europe Day
Europe Day celebrates peace and unity in Europe. Over 70 years ago, in 1950, the historic ‘Schuman declaration’ steered Europe towards a path of peace, prosperity and political cooperation in Europe. This year again, the EEAS is preparing plenty of activities tailored to all ages in Brussels and in many places around the world.
On 6 May visitors are invited to the EEAS building in Brussels and to participate in a range of exciting activities: travel around the whole world in just one day and discover how the EU is working abroad to promote a safer and fairer world. Join us in playing games, quizzes, and taking pictures at our photo booth. Meet former EU Ambassadors, and attend our Expert Talks to learn more about EU's external actions on information manipulation, hate speech and disinformation.
The day wouldn’t be complete without cultural activities. Different artist both from Brussels and from other regions outside of Europe will perform. Take part in their show or learn a new skill in one of their workshops.
Our EU Delegations around the world are also organising exciting activities for all. Consult the website of the Delegation closest to you or check on this page what activities are planned to mark the day.
You can also join us from home! Stay tuned to our social media accounts and take part in virtual activities available to you. You can start by playing our quiz on the EU in the world and its history.
Join us in Brussels, in different parts of the world or from home and immerse yourself in hours of culture, information, entertainment and more. Welcome to the European External Action Service!
Online Quiz
Everything about the EU you thought you didn’t know! From the EU in the world and its history to what it has in store for the future. Take our Quiz and become the EU’s newest Ambassador in the World!

Videos and Photos

Europe Day 2023 Reception
Ending our exciting week of Europe Day celebrations with this video from our reception in Beirut.
A big thank you to every person involved in the event!

EU-Korea 60 Year Anniversary Video
Europe Day held on 9 May every year celebrates peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the historic 'Schuman declaration' that set out his idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe, which would make war between Europe's nations unthinkable. Schuman's proposal is considered to be the beginning of what is now the European Union.
2023 is a special year for the EU and the Republic of Korea as we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of our diplomatic relations. Our strategic partnership is deep and addresses a wide range political, security, trade, economic, environmental scientific and cultural issues.

Video message of EU Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Jānis Mažeiks, on the occasion of the Europe Day 2023 celebration
Video message of EU Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Jānis Mažeiks, on the occasion of the Europe Day 2023 celebration.
Visit the page dedicated to Europe Day 2023 to find out more.

Invitation to Europe Day 2023 in Moldova
The Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, Jānis Mažeiks and the band Zdob și Zdub, invite you to the events organized on the occasion of Europe Day 2023
Visit the page dedicated to Europe Day 2023 to find out more.

The EU as a global actor - What is the EEAS?
The European External Action Service is the diplomatic service of the European Union. We work for and with EU citizens for a more stable, a more secure, developed and fair world for all.
Press Material